# OneLogin

This doc describes how to create an OIDC app in OneLogin (opens new window) for Pomerium and connect to it. It assumes you have already installed Pomerium.


While we do our best to keep our documentation up to date, changes to third-party systems are outside our control. Refer to Connect an OIDC enabled app (opens new window) from OneLogin's documentation as needed, or let us know (opens new window) if we need to re-visit this page.

# Create OpenID Connect App

  1. Log in to your OneLogin (opens new window) account and click on Administration at the top.

  2. Navigate to Applications on the top menu. Click the Add App button:

    One Login Add a New App

  3. On the Find Application page, search for openid. Select Openid Connect by OneLogin, Inc.

    One Login Add a New App

  4. On the App Configuration page, name the app and select a logo:

    One Login select logo

    Select Save.

  5. From the Configuration tab, set set the Redirect URI's to Pomerium's redirect url (https://${authenticate_service_url}/oauth2/callback):

    One Login set callback url

    Select Save.

  6. Navigate to the SSO page. This section contains the Client ID, Client Secret and Identity Provider URL you'll use to configure Pomerium:

    One Login SSO settings

  7. Set the application type to Web and the token endpoint to be POST.

  8. Under Token Timeout settings set Refresh Token to 60 minutes (or whatever value makes sense for your organization). Note, however, if you don't enable refresh tokens the user will be prompted to authenticate whenever the access token expires which can result in a poor user experience.

    Select Save to complete the application configuration.

# Add Users

OneLogin will not make your new application accessible to members of your organization automatically. You can assign access to individual users (as shown below), or define rules / policies based on group membership.

One Login Application Access

# Service Account

To use allowed_groups in a policy, an idp_service_account needs to be set in the Pomerium configuration. The service account for OneLogin uses a different client ID and client secret from the one configured above.

  1. From the Administration dashboard, navigate to Developers → API Credentials and select New Credential.

  2. Name the new credential and rive it "Read users" access:

API Access

  1. The format of the idp_service_account for OneLogin is a base64-encoded JSON document:

    "client_id": "...",
    "client_secret": "..."

    You can save the object as a temporary file to encode:

    cat tmp.json | base64 -w 0

A Group's ID (opens new window) will be used to affirm user group membership.

# Pomerium Configuration

Update your Pomerium configuration:

After reloading Pomerium, you should be able to see any login events from your OneLogin events dashboard.

One Login Events Dashboard